Friday, November 27, 2009

Thinking Right and Left

It is a poor sort of man who is content to be spoon-fed knowledge that has been filtered through the canon of religious or political belief,and it is a poor sort of man who will permit others to dictate what he may or may not learn.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Terrror Trials in New York

As a veteran I agree with Att.Gen. Eric Holder we must stop being a nation of cowards,and try these men in New York.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Should Isreal Declare It's Nukes ?

Isreal has nerver signed the Non-Proliferation treaty.What do you think?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

President Obama: The Audacity of Hope

I would also argue that we have the right to take unilateral military action to eliminate an imminent theart to our security-so long as an imminent threat is understood to be a nation,group,or individual that is actively preparing to strike U.S.targets{or allies with which the United States has mutual defense agreements],and has or will have the means to do so in the immediate future.Al Qaeda qualifies under this standard,and we can and should carry out preemptive strikes against them whenever we can.

Monday, September 21, 2009

President Obama--The Audacity of Hope

The more credible the information that the International Atomic Energy Agency provides,the more likely we are to mobilize allies against the efforts of rogue states to obtain nuclear weapons.The greater the capacity of the World Health Organization,the less likely we are to have to deal with a flu pandemic in our own country.No country has a bigger stake than we do in strengthening international institutions--which is why we pushed for their creation in the first place,and why we need to take the lead in improving them

Friday, September 18, 2009

President Obama--The Audacity of Hope

Looming perhaps largest of all was Ronald Ragan,whose clarity about communism seemed matched by his blindness regarding other sources of misery in the world.The more I studied nuclear arms policy,the more I found Star Wars to be ill conceived; the chasm between Reagan's soaring rhetoric and the tawdry Iran-Contra deal left me speechless.

Monday, September 7, 2009

President Obama: The Audacity Of Hope

What's troubling is the gap between the magnitude of our challenges and the smallness of our politics-the ease with which we are distracted by the petty and trivial,our chronic avoidance of tough decisions,our seeming inability to build a working consensus to tackle any big problem.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sen.Ted Kennedy-RIP

Has his name on more bills than all the Republican in the senate combined.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

AG Eric Holder--- Torture Investigation

Attorney General Eric Holder has selected a special proscutor to investigate torture.The only question that needs to be asked is this.Is torture illegal under answer is yes!! T.L.Warren.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

President Obama: Gets the blame for release of Pam AM bomber

Relatives and Republicans blame the President for the release of the lone terrorist for the Pam Am bombing over twenty years ago.Convicted in Scotland and held in prison there for over twenty years and released for compassionate reasons.Never the less the President is receiving criticism.Go figure. T.L.Warren

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dreams from My Father

Throughout my years in Springfield I had clung to the notion that politics could be different,and that the voters wanted something different,that they were tired of distortion,name-calling,and soundbite solutions to complicated problems;that if I could reach those voters directly,frame the issues as I felt them,explain the choices in as truthful a fashion as I knew how,then the people's instincts for fair play and common sense would bring them around.If enough of us took that risk,I thought,not only the country's politics but the country's policies would change for the better. President Obama

Friday, August 14, 2009

Mike Vick--Signed by NFL Eagles

Good move for Eagles and Micheal Vick. T.L.Warren

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Audacity of Hope

We know that the battle against international terrorism is at once an armed struggle and a contest of ideas,that our long-term security depends on both a judicious projection of military power and increased cooperation with other nations,and that addressing the problems of global poverty and failed states is vital to our nation's interests rather than just a matter of charity.But follow most of our foreign policy debates,and you might believe that we have only two choices-belligerence or isolationism. President Obama

Monday, August 10, 2009

Rep.Hank Johnson-D, Health Reform Meeting

I will be attending the meeting this afternoon and hope to have wedio and writen report on post tomorrow. T.L.Warren

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dreams from My Father

Still,I am not immune to distress.And like most Americans,I find it hard to shake the feeling these days that our democracy has gone seriously awry. President Barack Obama.

Friday, August 7, 2009

To The Critics Of Recovery Act

I am responsible for the economy as the President,but I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking.I want them to get out of the way so we can clean the mess up. President Obama at fund raiser in Virginia.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Audacity of Hope

What is most troubling is the gap between the magnitude of our challenges and the smallness of our politics-the ease with which we are distracted by the petty and trivial,our chronic avoidance of tough decisions,our seeming inability to build a working consensus to tackle any big problem. President Barack Obama

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rep.Hank Johnson Town Hall

Rep.Hank Johnson will hold his health reform town hall August 10th in Dacatur,Ga.For some reason I don't think any protestors will show up.Phone # for more info 770-939-2016,770-987-2291.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Happy Brithday Mr.President

Today is the President's 48th brithday.May it be a great day for you and your family. T.L.Warren

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Audacity of Hope

We know that our health-care system is broken: wildly expensive,terribly inefficient,and poorly adapted to an economy no longer built on lifetime employment,a system that exposes hardworking Americans to chronic insecurity and possible destitution. But year after year,ideology and political gamesmanship result in inaction,except for 2003,when we got a prescription drug bill that somehow managed to combined the worst aspects of the public and private sectors-price gouging and bureaucratic confusion,gaps in coverage and an eyepopping bill for taxpayers. From President Barack Obama 2006.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Police Abuse; Atlanta ,Georgia

On Tuesday of last week to police officers were suspended in Dekalb county for using government computers to do criminal background checks on President Obama.The secret service informed officials of the abuse.The officers should have been fired yesterday.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Dow Jones: Up And Away

84-point gain keeps market rally going.With a good close today it could be the best July since 1989.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Glen Beck : The Racists Without A Hood

Since the inauguration of the country first black President there has been escalation of racists attacks verbally and physically by a group of people who feel like they lost power and are scared.Well I have news for those people. They have lost power and there blatant acts of racism is not going to return them to power.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Obama in North Carolina

Speaking in North Carolina President Obama tell the critics to stop scaring people.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How To Become A U.S. Citizen And President

Make sure your name is Barack Obama and be born in the state of Hawaii. T.L.Warren

Monday, July 27, 2009

Gov.Palin Resigns

yesterday Sarah Palin resigned as govenor of Alaska.She blamed Hollywood the left wing media and big goverment.Can you say quitter? T.L.Warren

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Health Care Reform:Let's Make A Deal ?

There will be be no deal in congress between Demmocrats and Republican on health care reform.I think it will be a strictly party line vote.Democrats for it and Republicans against it. T.L.Warren

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Southern Poverty Law Center

Richard Cohen,President of the SPLC in a letter to CNN President Jonathan Klien asked that Lou Dobbs be removed from his position.He sites Dobbs support for extermists inspired birther claims.Full text of the letter can be seen on Crooks and Liars blog. T.L.Warren

Friday, July 24, 2009

Eric Boehlert: Mainstreaming The Fringe

CNN Lou Dobbs continues to fuel the birther bonfire on his show.Has it become an obession with Dobbs?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pres.Obama:The Big Push

President Obama is pushing hard on both Republicans and Democrats to have health reform bills on the house and senate floors before the August recess.He had a White House news conference last night,and a speech today in Ohio.Congress is resiting because they simply aren't used to working hard for the American people,or is it that they want health care to remain the same. T.L.Warren

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Iraqi Prime Minister Meets With Obama Today

As President Obama meets with the Prime Minister of Iraqi today lets not forget how the Republican administration got us into this mess in the first place. T.L.Warren

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Health Care : Who will pay?

The real question of health care is how,and who will pay for the 40 million uninsured in this country. T.L.Warren

Monday, July 20, 2009

Health Care Reform

President Obama is pulling out all the stops this week on health care reform so as not to lose momentum before congress goes on August summer break.Using ads in the home states of the so called centrists democrats and a prime time news conference on Thursday night to emphasize the importance of health care reform for the health of our economy,and the American people. T.L.Warren

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Look Back At The Week That Was

The week started with the confirmation hearing of supreme court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor,and by the end of the week there was no reason to think she will not be confirmed to become the first Latino to sit on the supreme court.And continuing on this week,a bit about the war in Afghanistan.The President ordered his national security team to investigate reports that U.S. allies were responsible for the deaths of as many as 2,000 Taliban prisoners of war at the beginning of the Afghanistan war.On Tuesday night the President threw out the first pitch as president at MLB annual all-star game.On Wednesday the senate rolled out it's version of health care reform,and on Thursday the senate confirmed the first African-American to head NASA.He is retired Maj.Gen.Charles Bolden former astronaut.The week ended with the President speaking on the 100Th anniversary of the NAACP the nation's oldest civil rights organization.T.L Warren

Friday, July 17, 2009

Obama to NAACP: Tough Love

He said education is the key."No one has written your destiny for you"he said speaking to all other Barrack Obamas out there."Your destiny is in your hands ,and don't you forget that.That's what we as parents must teach our children.Turn off the Xbox and the television.No excuses!I want them aspiring to be a Supreme Court justice,or the President of the United States of America. T.L.Warren

Thursday, July 16, 2009

AP: Senate confirms Bolden to head NASA.

The Senate confirmed on Wednesday retired astronaut Maj.Gen.Charles Bolden as administrator of NASA,just in time for the-space agency's 40th anniversary of man's first steps on the moon.He is the first African-American to head the agency.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Senate Health Ctme.Passes Version of Health Care Bill

Republicans senators say the bill doesn't cover everyone and that some will lose both health care and their jobs.The bill does include a strong federal option.However one thing we know for sure,no senator will lose either their job or their health care. T.L. Warren

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Obama: First Pitch All-Star Game

President Obama will throw out the first pitch tonight at the all-star game in St.Louis,and in another first will also appear in the Fox broadcast booth.And in another first Obama and some former presidents join in a video tribute to 30 All-Stars among us who will be recognized for community service.The President will throw out the first pitch to all-star Albert Pujols. T.L.Warren

Monday, July 13, 2009

Confirmation Hearing: Judge Sonya Sotomayor

The confirmation hearing of supreme court nominee Sonya Sotomayor starts today on capito hill.It's a crucial test for President Obama's first supreme court nominee and the democratic lead senate. T.L.Warren

AP: President Obama orders review of alleged Afghan mass grave.

President Obama has ordered his national security team to investigate reports that U.S. allies were responsible for the deaths of as many as 2,000 Taliban prisoners of war during the opening days of the war in Afghanistan.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

English!! English You Say

The official language of Ghana in Africa.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ghana - Historic Trip

Lots of questions and,some answers.Why Ghana? The President said that Ghana has shown democracy can work in Africa with successive non violent presidential elections.The economy is okay in terms of most African countries.Infrastructure needs huge investments of money for highways and bridges,and since huge oil deposits have been discovered off Ghana's west coast,they have lots of potential for there future.It can be the engine to drive Ghana into the future.Let's hope they make it so. T.L.Warren

Friday, July 10, 2009

Moscow + Rome = Africa

President Obama has arrived in Accra,Ghana for a one day visit.What can he accomplish in one day? A major foreign policy speech.

Obama to African Leaders

President Obama met with African leaders on friday morning in Italy.Obama"there is no reason why Africa cannot be self-sufficient when it comes to food.It has enough arable land.The President has commited millions of dollars in aid to different African countries. T.L.Warren.

Obama and the Pope

The two agree on helping the poor but disagree on abortion and stem cell research.They are expected to have frank discussions on these subjects.The meeting takes place at Vatican city.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Update:CBS-Sen.Roland Burris 2010

Illinois Sen.Roland Burris,who was appointed to Barack Obama's senate seat by impeached former Gov. Rod Blogovich amid a cloud of controversy has announced that he will not seek election to the senate in 2010,CBS confirms.

Last Briefing Moscow

ABC News called President Obama's trip to Russia a"breakthrough" and the new agreement to cut nuclear arms "extraordinary". Henry Kissinger former Sec.of Obama to chess master playing simultaneous games.So in other words President Obama playing both Puntin and Medvedev left Russia with exactly what he wanted.Good work Mr.President. T.L.Warren

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Next up: Italy., Is it G-8 or G-25.

President Obama will get what he can from this dysfunctional organization and move on to Ghana in Africa. Like yesterday. T.L.Warren

King of Pop

"I grew up on his music.Still have all his stuff on my ipod.I think that his brilliance as a perfomer also was paired with a tragic and,in many ways,said personal life.But I"am glad to see that he is being remembered primarily for the great joy that he bought to a lot of people through his extraordinary gifts as an entertainer".President Obama-From Moscow.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

President Obama-Moscow: Tough Talk ?

"In 2009 a great power does not show strength by dominating or demonizing other countries." Speaking to graduates from Moscow's New Economic School.

Afghanistan:The Good War?

President Obama:"I am not opposed to all wars,I am opposed to a dumb war."Comments were made while still the junior senator from Illinois in 2003 the led up to the Iraqi war.
The war in Afghanistan is now President Obama war,and it should be noted that no foreign country has ever subdued or won in Afghanistan.At the height of the Russian invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980's they at one time had over 100,000 troops in the country,and eventually withdrew.President Obama strategy which now includes nation building along with political stabilization just might turn out better than most think.However it's probably going to take a few years and will the American people have the patience? The anti-war crowd in the U.S.thinks we should pull all troops out of both Iraqi and Afghanistan like yesterday.One interesting thing to take note of.Prior to President Obama visiting Russia the Russians consented to allow the to use it's air space to transport soldiers and materials since the Afghanistan war started in 2001.At this time the situation is more questions than answers.


President Obama:Breakfast Meeting With Russian Prime Minister Putin

President Obama:I had a good meeting with Prime Minister Putin today."I found him to be tough,smart,shrewed,very unsentimental,very pragmatic".Sounds like President Obama is telling Americans where the real power lies in Russia.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Gov.Sarah Palin:What can you say?

Quitters never win,and winners never quit.That quote is as American as mom and apple pie.Unfortunately,I think Gov.Palin skipped basketball practice the day the coach gave that pep speech.

Michael Jackson: Death Of An Icon

The king of pop is dead and the questions remain about how he died and his fortune or lack thereof.The question about how he died will probably be answered within the next few weeks after toxicology reports are returned.The question about his money will be answered in the future.In a somewhat ironic twist Jackson who is reportedly millions of dollars in debt at the time of his death will in all likelihood be worth more than a billion dollars in the near future.He was a world wide cultural icon,and his music will last forever.Although he may have led a tortured life there is no doubting he was a musical genius.May he rest in peace.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Getting American Military Out Of Iraq

The Iraqis want us to leave their country like yesterday,and the latest polls here in America show a majority of Americans want us to leave sooner than later.The Status of Forces Agreement which was signed near the end of the Bush administration will have all combat troops out of Iraq by the end of 2011.Some international aid groups such as Amnesty International and the Red Cross estimate that as many one million Iraqis have lost their lives and another one million have been displaced because of the war.We now have in Iraqi one of the largest embassy in the world,and U.S. oil companies are now bidding for lucrative oil contracts which the Iraqis have opened up.The question Americans ask is has it been worth it.Over four thousand American lives lost,and possibly one trillion dollars spent.Has it been worth the blood and treasure of both Iraqi and the American people?Maybe time will give us the answer.
General Colin Powell once stated that the only thing the U.S.has ever asked of a foreign country is a decent place to bury our dead.We have no cemeteries in Iraqi.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Open Letter To The Iranian People

Your theocratic government has shown you that they don't care about your votes or about spilling your blood .You are a courageous people with a proud history.However,if it is true that freedom and democracy is what all people aspire to then much more blood will have to be spilled.The price of freedom will demand the blood of your people.

There will be no regime change coming from America or any other western country.You are at a crossroads in you country.If you think freedom can be gained without the blood of your fathers,mothers,sons,and daughters ,then stay home and accept the government you have.
If in fact it is true freedom that you want then the only way you will achieve it is with armed rebellion.Then and only then will you receive the true support of the rest of the world.

P.S. Power concedes nothing.
President Obama