Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Open Letter To The Iranian People

Your theocratic government has shown you that they don't care about your votes or about spilling your blood .You are a courageous people with a proud history.However,if it is true that freedom and democracy is what all people aspire to then much more blood will have to be spilled.The price of freedom will demand the blood of your people.

There will be no regime change coming from America or any other western country.You are at a crossroads in you country.If you think freedom can be gained without the blood of your fathers,mothers,sons,and daughters ,then stay home and accept the government you have.
If in fact it is true freedom that you want then the only way you will achieve it is with armed rebellion.Then and only then will you receive the true support of the rest of the world.

P.S. Power concedes nothing.
President Obama